January Reads

I set my annual reading goal this year for 40 books.

I started a Bachelor of Science program at Purdue University Global this month, so my reading time is limited. How am I ever going to do this when I spend so much time reading The Essentials of Healthcare Management and other similarly required books for school?

Well, let me tell you. I struggle– really struggle– reading nonfiction books.

The only exception is rock biographies. I can kill one of those over a weekend if I have the time. But overall, nonfiction is my kryptonite. I’ll leave those titles for-ev-er and just read a few pages here and there. My solution to this issue is to check out the audio versions of those books through my library’s Libby app. If you have a library you probably have access to Libby as well. It has been a game changer for my reading since I listen to audiobooks when I’m driving. I also usually run them at 1.25x-1.5x speed. 🙂

This month, I finished six books.

I won’t tell you which were audiobooks and which were ebooks, but I DID complete all of them. I went on a bit of an autobiography kick last month and while they were all pretty good, I think Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime was the most interesting book I’ve read in a very long time. His life growing up in South Africa is fascinating and he tells it with his classic humor. I have enjoyed him on TV for a long time but knowing his back story just makes it so much richer. I have mad respect for Trevor.

As always, I’m linking the titles to Amazon, should you wish to learn more about them or buy one.  I am an Amazon Associate and receive a (very small) commission if you purchase. {“Very small” = pennies per sale.}

Have you read any of these yet? What did you think?

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